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P&C Meeting

Parents and Care Givers! Our second P&C meeting and AGM are scheduled for Tuesday 19th March at 7:00pm. 
Our AGM is the first part of the meeting. The following positions will be declared vacant and we need to fill them in order to have a functioning P&C:
President, Secretary, Treasurer and two Vice Presidents. If you're interested in nominating for one of these positions (and I hope you are) I encourage you to check the role description via the following link.
Ever wondered where a lot of our school funding comes from? Not from the Department.
Do you have a child that doesn't tell you anything about what's going on around the place? I know I do.
Stay connected with staff and up to date with what's happening in the school and the department and come along .
If you want to stay connected to the goings on at Kincumber High School and get to know the exec team a little better then the P&C is a great way of doing that. High School P&C is very different to Primary School P&C. There isn't as much hands on fund raising. Gone is the infamous sausage sizzle!
We work with the exec team in delivering the 3 year School Plan. Among other things we help list priorities for the school where we can add value, apply for grants during the year and sit on merit selection panels. We also sponsor eligible students for excursions, sporting and academic endeavours.
It would great to see new and existing parents who are interested in keeping KHS the great school we know and love.
I hope to see you there.
Denise Broadhead
President - KHS P&C